Getting away with it

Published: Monday, 29 April 2024

IT SEEMS no matter where you cruise these days, writes T. Lang.

There are those boaters that Arnold Pearce wrote about, that just flit about in one area where the services are, making no attempt to do the mileage they should on their obviously continuous cruiser licence. (If they actually have a licence!)

I agree with him entirely that many are not working but are on benefits, but soon they are to be investigated and if capable but will not accept work then their social security payments will come to an end. The country just cannot accept the millions of such people sponging off it, being too idle to work.

Wallop them

But what I just cannot understand is whilst the Environment Agency take such people to court and really wallop them, and in the old days so did the then British Waterways, the Canal & River Trust don't seem to be doing much at all at those who are not even licenced.

Which would not only bring in the cash that it needs for all those extra people in the many and varied positions it keeps creating.

It certainly needs more cash for those.