£300 fine for burning wrong material on wood burners

Published: Friday, 27 October 2023

DEFRA has introduced tougher regulations on wood burning stoves wherever used.

This is up to a £300 fine for the first offence and possible criminal action for repeat offenders, Keith Gudgin reports.

Local councils

It will be left to local councils to enforce the new rules, who already have some power under the present smoke control areas, but these are much tougher as depicting what you cannot burn.

Of course boaters with log burners come under the regulation, and even smokeless fuel can only be purchased from listed suppliers. See the list.

The new regulations are 40% stricter than the old ones as a stove could emit 5g of smoke per hour. The new rules only allow for 3g of smoke per hour. So If your stove emits more than 3g/hour, you may be subject to the new wood burner fine.

Land us with a fine

Keith explains—Burning old pallets, wet logs, and scrap wood could now land us with a fine of up to £300 and being on a boat will not give you exemption!

It looks like you can only burn clean seasoned wood by law now. Even burning household rubbish could put you over the limit.