Councils moving illegally moored boats

Published: Monday, 29 September 2014

NEW powers are being introduced by various councils whose land borders the Thames, to move illegally moored boats.

Kingston Council is one of the councils that has brought in a new bylaw that is enabling it to move boats that are illegally moored on the Thames against public land, Roger Fox tells us.

Forcibly remove boats

Under its old laws it was unable to do anything about all the boats moored by public land without either permission or paying mooring charges, but this has now changed with it giving itself powers under a new bylaw that allows it to forcibly remove boats.

The first was removed last week, with The Idle Duck being towed away to a marina, with a spokesman stating others will follow until the public land is cleared.

Another council

Richmond Council, also suffering from illegally moored boats, is another that is taking the same action to rid itself of boats moored against public land.

Roger asks if the same powers can be used on the Kennet & Avon?