Why have they gone?

Published: Monday, 07 July 2014
IT'S NOT a matter of where the boats have gone, but why! Writes Martin Brooks.

Well, if one reads the last few weeks worth of narrowboatworld, it's fairly obvious. The current regime is just as rabidly anti-boat as the last, and people are voting with their feet.


The lack of maintenance, crumbling infrastructure and scarcity of canalside facilities are making the waterways unattractive as a holiday destination, especially when a nice sunny foreign holiday can be much cheaper.

Private boats are being unfairly harassed, look at Victor's article! Keep a log, record engine hours, how completely ridiculous! People come to the waterways to relax, if they cannot relax they will go elsewhere!

Rogue enforcement officer

The issue of the rogue enforcement officer reported by Victor continues to rankle, and I cannot see this being resolved as according to Parry his enforcement team can do no wrong! Complaints are simply ignored, and this man continues his reign of terror.

I hope Parry will be pleased with his legacy as the man who presided over the decline, and possible eventual closure, of the English canal system.