Forcibly removed from his boat

Published: Wednesday, 14 May 2014

HARD on the heels of the article about 'Maggie', (CaRT stole my boat. I want it back), Simon Greer tells us of yet another boater who has forcibly been removed from his boat:

Geoff Mayers too was forcibly removed from his boat and made homeless, from outside the Lion Salt works Northwich earlier in the year.

Given false advice

I talked with him this week. He similarly experienced eviction after he secured a stay of enforcement from Chester Court. Interestingly this was given to him because CaRT's solicitors, Shoosmiths, had advised Geoff his appearance at court was not needed as his hearing date had been moved forward. It hadn't and judgement was found against him as a non-shower.

This week after much correspondence and phone calls someone in authority has seen fit to return his personal possessions.

He won't stop there because like Maggie he wants his boat back.