Anti continuous cruiser campaign

Published: Wednesday, 26 February 2014

I SEE that again The IWA have continued their anti Continuous Cruiser campaign (Boats without a Home Mooring) in its latest press release, writes John Sloan.

While commenting on the recent Judicial Review brought by Mr Nick Brown, the IWA once again managed to imply that all mooring problems are caused by Continuous Cruisers by stating the following:

Misuse of visitor moorings

'The Association believes this now clears the way for the Trust to make good progress on regularising misuse of visitor moorings by a minority of users attempting to avoid proper home mooring arrangements'.

I would be very interested to know what evidence The IWA have that misuse of visitor moorings is exclusive to Continuous Cruisers. It is this type of statement that causes so much division within the boating community. A recent survey carried out by boaters on visitor moorings showed clearly that the majority of boaters had no problem finding a place to moor on such moorings.

Looking closer to home

As a boater who covers on average about 400 miles a year, I have found that overstaying at visitor moorings is not exclusive to Continuous Cruisers, in fact on one occasion last year where I moored close to a 48 hour mooring for one week, I noticed that one boat was on the 48 hour mooring for five days displaying an IWA sticker, so I would suggest that maybe the IWA need to start looking a bit closer to home.