Hire boat caused Caen Hill stoppage

Published: Wednesday, 28 August 2013

IT WAS  a hire boat that caused the damaged to the top lock at Caen Hill Flight on the Kennet & Avon Canal, putting the flight out of action over the whole Bank Holiday.

The boat was fast in the gate, and as the water rose it lifted the gate clean out, at the same time damaging the anchor plate holding the gate in place, Alan Tilbury tells us.

Could be open by weekend

A spokesman for Canal & River Trust (CaRT) told us:

"We are hoping to have the flight open again by the weekend, but this all depends on the extent of damage to the gate and the anchor pin, which we will not know until the gate has been taken out."

No experience

This happened on the Saturday morning, and the hirers obviously hadn't had the experience to realise to close the paddles and prevent more water coming into the lock to prevent the damage.

However, as the hirers were obviously to blame, CaRT is now in discussion with the hire company involved with a view to damages.