Email: Not a problem

Published: Monday, 03 December 2012

In reply to Peter Ponting the bridges are closed on Tuesday and Wednesday through the winter months. The bridges are open on a Thursday. There is little movement on the canal through the week, and I have never found the bridges being closed to be a problem, in fact it is quite relaxing with no boat movement at these times.

As for Christmas and New Year let the bridge keepers have some time with their families. Without them there would be no cruising on this canal. It also means that there are no boats breaking through the ice slamming large pieces of ice into your boat that you get on other canals at that time of the year.

There are plenty of marinas throughout the network where you can cruise throughout the year. If you have to cruise at that time of the year consider where to moor your boat.

Amy Dickerson, Nb Black Bryony