A little more openness

Published: Monday, 08 October 2012

So, there you go John Dodwell. Not so hard to inform the boating fraternity of the facts, writes Steve Jenkin.

A little transparency and some informative facts are appreciated. Perhaps a way forward, thus negating the need for some of those pesky FOI requests?

More openness

May I dare to suggest a little more openness from the trustees and CaRT in the future, as the towpath telegraph with it's cynical and sometimes wild rumours can only be seen as a hindrance to the charity, surely?

I believe the majority of boaters wish to see CaRT succeed, and in my opinion would be more appreciative and supportive if they felt noticed.

A way of life

Asking for donations will of course be a way of life for CaRT now, it's a charity after all.

When it comes down to the nitty gritty, most of the boating community and clubs will at some point be a main source of charity donations, it's in our best interests. We obviously are the main beneficiaries of the canal after the fishermen clubs (I do see a lot more fishermen per mile of canal than boats).

So, the first appeal for help (the Trent & Mersey breach) resulted in a few questioning their need to 'just give'.

Took days to explain

Are you surprised at this?  It took several days for CaRT to explain its need for this appeal (having to justify itself owing to some negative remarks on various internet sites).

A little more transparency and understanding beforehand, of what the charity is doing and planning would have in my mind not only helped raise more cash, but also given the naysayers a little less ammunition. Don't you think?

As I am sure you have heard many times before Mr Dodwell, respect is not a given, it has to be earned.