Reeves award squashed

Published: Friday, 17 February 2012

THE employment tribunal award against Reeves Boat Builders awarded to an ex employee has been squashed.

The award of £10,000 including redundancy money was made to ex employee Keith Bicknell by Birmingham Employment Tribunal, after he had worked for the company for 14 years, and was seeking redundancy pay and notice and holiday money after being sacked.

He told the tribunal:

"I worked for the family of Graham Reeve and his wife Julie and Graham's brother, David, for 14 years. I even taught Graham's sons how to build boats."


However at an hearing on Wednesday under judge Mary Cocks, the award was squashed with the  judgement:

'On application of the respondent [Reeves Boat Builders Ltd] and the claimant [Keith Bicknell] I hereby review and revoke the judgement of the tribunal issued on 9 January 2012'

This was based on written submissions by the two parties.