Fewer facilities on the Nene

Published: Friday, 17 February 2012

THIS week without warning, Fenland District Council closed the sanitation and rubbish facilities in March Town Centre, writes our Fens correspondent Kelvin Alexander-Duggan.

The council is claiming the equipment had been damaged beyond repair by the two nights of sub-zero temperatures the week before, yet the equipment went through the 2010/2011 winter undamaged by months of sub-zero temperatures, some of which went down as low as minus 16 overnight.

Taking advantage

It would seem that the council has taking advantage of the cold weather last week to carry out its plans to close the facility that were defeated last year by a mass campaign by local boaters and traders.

The first time that local boaters knew of this was earlier this week when boats were taken into town to pump-out out their full to the brim holding tanks, to find that the locks had been changed and a notice had been pinned to the door, informing boaters that the sanitation point was now closed.

According to the council, boaters can use Foxes Marina to get rid of toilet waste (£18).  But as this is a busy hire base in the summer months you may find yourself not that welcome on a turn-round day (Monday, Friday and Saturday).

No rubbish facility

The council also state that rubbish should be taken to the public waste tip at the end of Hundred Acre Road (two miles from the Town Moorings) and not placed in the local waste bins.

Any waste now left at the sanitation point would deem to be fly tipping.

So anyone coming down the Nene is recommend to use the free pump-out and water point at Peterborough before entering the Middle Level at Stanground Lock. A water point is available at the Five Bells pub in Outwell on Well Creek (key available from the pub during opening hours for a charge of a pound).

Waste and pump-out

A large waste bin is available at Outwell Basin that is provided by the Well Creek Trust as is the water point at the Five Bells. If coming from the River Great Ouse, The last free pump-out is at Ely riverside.

Anyone using the Middle Level Navigation notes—2012 version, should disregard section 14 regarding the sanitation point in March Town Centre. Do not blame the Middle Level Commissioners for this error in the notes as they had not been informed when the notes had been sent to the printers. So no bending of Tina's and Paul's (lock keepers) ears on the subject.

On a final note, a local councillor who had a boat moored at the marina, moved out to a riverside mooring a few weeks ago, I wonder why?