BW van crushed by tree

Published: Saturday, 07 January 2012

RATHER topical at the moment, and somewhat embarrassing for British Waterways, as one of its vans as been crushed by an unsafe canal side tree.

The van, emblazoned with the 'Open air gym' slogan was crushed with the driver inside as is was parked on the towpath of the Crinan Canal, Allan Richards reveals.

Lucky escape

The vehicle was parked near Barnakil Bridge, when the high winds took a tree over, it falling on the van, with the driver having a lucky escape.

He was unable to get out, so it needed contractors to undertake the difficult task of freeing him.  This was just one of the many trees that have been uprooted by the waterways over the past few days, that have been reported, and that rather lets down the 'robust' tree management policy.

See the picture: