EA breaks its word to boaters

Published: Thursday, 22 December 2011

THE Environment Agency intimated in September that its licence fees will be increased by less than 2%—but has increased them by three times as much.

It was on the 1st of September that narrowboatworld published the statement by the Environment Agency that its navigation charges would increase by 'less than 2%'.

Price index plus 2%

But the agency has now announced that it is increasing its charges by the consumer price index plus 2% per year for the next three years, amounting to 6.4%—over three times more than was promised.

It gives the reason that is has 'listened to the boating community', but it is difficult to understand how any boating community would prefer an increase of over 6% to the 'less than 2%' that was promised in September.

Too much

Higher costs are causing boaters to leave Environment Agency waters, particularly East Anglian waters, where the increase is expected to be even higher, with 10% mentioned, so this news will means more boaters will find the further costs too much to pay.

However, in an attempt to stop the decreasing level of commercial traffic, the agency has stated it will not increase the charges for commercial craft for the next three years.