Over 800 anti-social incidents

Published: Monday, 05 December 2011

IT HAS been revealed that there were 823 anti-social behaviour incidents at Gloucester Docks in the last year.

These include fights, theft, urinating in public and littering, with traders worried at the impending threatened cuts to security, with the team reduced from five to four, Alan Tilbury tells us.

Casting a blight

​Traders are worried that the ever increasing anti-social behaviour is casting a blight on the area, and that some people are seeing it as a 'scary place', that traders maintain it is not.

But some traders are worried about such things as damage to their property, now that security is becoming in-house, being transferred from a commercial company with the reduction in staff.

Yet it is felt more security is needed not less, to get the figures down, but people like Councillor Paul James believe it is because more people are now visiting the shops, and says he never feels unsafe or has witnessed anything untowards.