Don't get ill on Staffs & Worcs

Published: Monday, 14 November 2011

IF YOU are boating on the northern end of the Staffs & Worcs it is not a good idea to get ill and want hospital treatment after 10pm.

For Stafford Hospital does it again. writes Ralph Freeman, this time it has decided, from the 1st of December to close the A&E Department overnight, that is from 10pm to 8am.

Catchment area

I thought boaters ought to be aware of this as many miles of canals within the region fall within Stafford Hospital's catchment area.

So if you are going to have an accident or heart attack, you have two options. Do it during the day or at the Wolverhampton end of the Staffs & Worcs Canal!

When I first read this information on the Net I thought it must be 1st April. Alas no. Just another Trust in action!