Email: Continuous cruisers

Published: Wednesday, 24 August 2011

I take issue with Richard Swan making assumptions about continuous cruisers as the article today suggests:

'In addition I suppose continuous moorers have their own code which seems to suggest stopping for long periods in the most inconvenient places like water points'.

I have been continuous cruising for years, and have never moored on water points or other places I shouldn't. My boat is moved continually and never stays in one place for more than 14 days, and then I continue my cruise round the system admiring our wonderful waterways which is the reason I continually cruise. I could afford moorings but don't want to be stuck in one place for ever.

It's people like you who give boaters like me a bad name.

Peter Ward, Nb Kitty

[We must point out that Richard Swan did not mention continuous cruisers at all—but continuous moorers, who do not move.]