Don't judge us all

Published: Friday, 12 August 2011

DISCONCERTED by the comment of Geoff Bennett [Boater's Off] telling how he was accosted by a female cyclist telling that towpaths were only for cyclists, has prompted a fellow cyclist to put matters in perspective.

I would just like to say, as a cyclist myself, how dismayed I am at the attitude displayed by the young female cyclist he encountered, writes Sasha Lauer.

No special rules

She was, of course, talking out of her fundament. Sustrans creates routes for cyclists along existing rights of way, or they negotiate access along other routes. None of their routes, as far as I am aware, gain any special rules, other than the bylaws already in existance.

Unfortunately cycling, just like any other activity, has its share of ignorant selfish people. Please don't judge all of us by the odd idiot that comes along.