Bringing resouces together to solve Wooton River problems
OWING to multiple closures at Wooton Rivers on the Kennet & Avon, Canal & River Trust is taking action.
This is to prevent significant leakage causing many closures in attempting to maintain the water level on the summit pound of the canal, Keith Gudgin reports.
This has meant multiple closures on the navigation, but now Canal & River Trust tells it has an opportunity to bring resources together from different teams who are unable to undertake planned work, to sort the problem out once and for all.
Reduce the leakage
High water levels have of course prevented other planned work, so the trust plan to partially dewater Wooton Rivers Lock (51) and make repairs to the gates and cill to reduce the leakage for the coming season until the full gate replacement in the winter of 2024/25.
Volunteers will also be helping with this work, but it means the navigation will be closed from 26th February 2024 through to 9th March.