Stuart was best

Published: Thursday, 10 September 2015

IT WAS Marine & Industrial Ltd, in conjunction with Jotun Paints and 3M that organised a Spray Paint Seminar at Tamworth, with a painter from Glasson Marina being the best boat painter.

Stuart Rushworth of Glasson Marine Services, on the Lancaster Canal, which is part of British Waterways Marinas Ltd (BWML), was judged to be the best boat painter, against candidates from boatyards across the UK.

Highly experienced

Stuart, who is from Lancaster, is a highly experienced boat painter and as part of the course, candidates were required to prime and spray paint a panel—with Stuart's work being judged the best.  The picture shows Steve with 'his' panel together with the other painters.

Barnaby Hayward, BWML Marina Manager BWML, commented:

"We are extremely proud of Stuart, and his accolade is well deserved. He and the Glasson Marina Services team provide a vital service to boat owners."