Common practice?

Published: Wednesday, 09 September 2015

I WAS not at all surprised to read that your new licence was a month short, in fact I wonder if this is now Canal & River Trust's new money making scheme? Asks Helen Hatton.

It was my husband who, watching our boat in a lock, just could not understand why there seemed to be something different about it, and mentioned it to me.

Given 11 months licence

Mooring at the bottom of the lock I had a look myself and then realised after seeing our licence ending in June for a good many years, it now ended in May!  We searched and found all the relevant paperwork and discovered, yes, we had paid the full year's price, and yes, like yourselves, had taken advantage of the early payment saving, but alas also like you we had only been given an 11 months licence.

My husband however threatened legal action, and intended it, for Canal & River Trust had obviously cheated us out of money, and another full licence was sent out.  I suggest you simply start County Court action for the money owing, and should they not pay, take them to court, you have a cast iron case.