No space at Paddington

Published: Monday, 15 June 2015

THE Canal & River Trust appears to have lost interest in policing the visitor mooring at Paddington Basin.

Boaters visiting the city are unable to find space to moor, with the available visitor moorings taken up permanently, according to boaters hoping to be able to stay.

There five or six weeks ago

One boater, Chris Powell told us the basin is 'full to bursting with boats that were there five or six weeks ago', adding:

"It seems to me that CaRT is unable to police the issue or do not want to. I find it counter productive when visitors cannot find moorings to visit the capital city. Something needs to be done."

The picture shows Paddington Basin in 2004 when we visited, with plenty of vacant moorings, before British Waterways, and more recently Canal & River Trust allowed it to get completely out of hand.