Fiddling the system

Published: Monday, 06 May 2024

THANK you so much for including my article (Getting people back to work) writes Arnold Pearce.

It made me look further into the matter when getting my bike out I toured the [Kennet & Avon Canal] towpath and talked to some with boats.

Sick notes for £25

I think they thought I was a fellow being as one told me you could buy sick notes online for just £25. When I contested this, the man pointed out they are just like official documents including the codes and links to official sites and these were for when you actually had a job and the employer wanted a sick note. Those supplying even put on a recent date to help make in look genuine.

I was amazed when he told me they last for up to seven months, entitling people up to seven months of statutory paid sick leave and benefits, enough to live on without working.

I was shown an advert showing all this on his tablet that said get a fake doctor’s note quickly and easily with free home delivery within days, but also says the notes are for 'education/entertainment' and says it cannot be held responsible for misuse.

Virtually identical

Getting back home looking into it further the so-called statements for 'fitness to work' are virtually identical to the 'fit notes' used by the NHS and include spaces to write in medical conditions and workplace adjustments, such as alternative hours and reduced duties.

I further discovered they are being used and causing problems for GP's with a record number of people being signed-off from work.