Decline and fall

Published: Wednesday, 07 January 2015

Way back in 1972 (I think) I joined the IWA. Some time in the past, a few years back, I forgot to renew my subscription, writes Ian Reid.

One of the Litchfield Branch members contacted me, so, they being hard-working and worthy of our respect, I renewed. A few years again passed and health issues put such things as IWA membership from my mind.

Actually doing

This time I didn't renew, instead, I thought about it and wondered what the Association was actually doing. Locally we have the Ashby Canal Association and Leicester County Council doing a fine job of restoration.

We have the Lichfield and Hatherton people doing sterling work, but is IWA involvement vital to any of this? Knowing some of the people behind these projects, I have to ask "Would they fail without the IWA?" I very much doubt it.

National Rallies

Once upon a time National Rallies were enjoyable occasions. My first was at Lymm; the local shoe shops ran out of wellies and a good time was had by all. Our leaky plywood boat sank at Stone en route, but with the assistance of a true gentleman, Val Wyatt of the Canal Cruising company, repairs were completed and we got there.

Nottingham was a bigger event although our two year old became seasick until we moved to a secluded spot behind Bill Young's tug, Helen. His double moored butty reduced the motion when trip boats passed. Soon rallies were getting a bit too big. The marathon walk from our mooring to the place where the action was, was beginning to take the shine off events.


Coventry showed the advantage of camping although Wakefield showed the advantages of a boat when things got really muddy. We attended a few more Festivals over the years but the only happening of note was at Dudley where NABO was formed -
and we joined on the spot.

Unlike the IWA, this is not an organisation that tries to be all things for all men and we are well content with it. IWA could learn a thing or two. There is a spark of hope still: the WRG continues to do magnificent work, but so they did before they were absorbed by the IWA.