The time has come for action

Published: Wednesday, 05 August 2015

I AM at present moored in Birmingham by Sheepcote Street Bridge. My wife and I were returning from a very pleasant afternoon libation at The Malt House when we heard the familiar ting-ting, 'scuse me, get out of the way! Writes Ray Watkins.

Being quite a big bloke (19 stones) and perfectly able to look after myself We didn't get out of his way. When he had ground to a screeching halt I informed him that this was a towpath, and not a cycle raceway. He got mobile again, and shouted over his shoulder, that it was in fact a cycle track. I actually believe that he thought this was the case.

In danger

So long as this misguided attitude prevails among this parasitic community we are all in danger from them. The towpath (that really is what it is) has now been upgraded to silky smoothness at least as far as Kings Norton Junction, with no chance of knocking in a mooring pin even if we wanted to.

My licence this year was just short of £1,000, yet, I am threatened and vilified by Lycra clad louts who have contributed nothing, yet have everything handed to them on a plate, free of charge. The time has come for action.