Floating bookshop can stay

Published: Wednesday, 10 June 2015

IT MAY be remembered that Canal & River Trust refused London's only floating bookshop, Word on the Water, application for a permanent mooring, (CaRT to close floating bookshop) forcing its closure, but the resulting publicity has caused CaRT to change its decision.

The Trust has now formally invited the owners, Jon Privett and Paddy Screech, to take up permanent residence on the steps at Granary Square, Kings Cross, meaning the bookshop can remain in business, Allan Richards tells us.

6,000 signatures

It was late last year when its petition for CaRT to allow the bookshop to have  permanent mooring had 2,000 supporters, but then narrowboatworld published the petition, and we are told that it had around 6,000 people signing it, that surely must have influenced the Trust.

Jon and Paddy are grateful for all the support they received, that resulted in Word on the Water getting a safe harbour at last.