100th town to regulate Chuggers

Published: Friday, 05 June 2015

CROYDON has become the 100th town in the country to regulate Chuggers—charity muggers—in its streets, that is having an effect on the chuggers that Canal & River Trust employs to get 'Friends'.

The CaRT Chuggers accost the public in town centres, usually on the busy Saturday, to sign up as a 'Friend' to the Trust thus agreeing to donate a specific sum of money every year.

New ruling

It was last year that new ruling came into force controlling the activities of Chuggers, (Blow for CaRT Chuggers) with many towns taking up these rules that limit the Chuggers to operating only certain days of the week—usually excluding Saturdays, and within a certain specified area.

Croydon has followed that of many other towns by restricting the chugging to Mondays Wednesdays and Thursdays, limiting their number to five and only allowed to operate within a strict time scale.

On-the-spot fine

Should these rules be broken, there is an on-the-spot fine of either £70 or £100, and if refused, court action.

This is having a big effect on the number of 'Friends' that CaRT is able to sign-up, as the company operating the scheme for the Trust is now limited to where it can operate.