Are we allowed on duck lanes?

Published: Wednesday, 27 May 2015

QUESTION: Can other towpath users use the duck lanes if no ducks are present? Asks Ralph Freeman.

Now I understand why CaRT wanted to be able to change the licence Terms and Conditions in such an ad hoc manner. Presumably, in the future, boaters will have their licences revoked if they, or their dogs, are observed to be walking in, or otherwise using 'Duck Lanes' in a manner CaRT considers inappropriate, i.e to reach a boat?

No mooring

Or perhaps mooring adjacent to 'Duck Lanes' will be banned anyway? How can anyone with common sense predict what CaRT will come up with next whilst it's staff appear to be publicly competing for the much coveted 'Golden Bollard' award issued to the project which is the daftest and biggest waste of money of 2015. As you can see the competition is as intense as ever!

I suggest boaters apply to CaRT for a role in Richards Parry's forthcoming 'Duck Re-education Program'. Whilst they are doing that perhaps they could train the Canada Geese not to poo all over lock moorings as the coefficient of friction of their (and all?) poo leaves a lot to be desired. I'm waiting for the new wildlife officers to design and have installed signs telling swans/ducks where it's best for them to nest on the canals.

Followed up, no doubt, by a programme designed to re-educate them to stop begging and eating bread and insist on more suitable food from visitors to the canals. So much work, so little time!

The perfect towpath?

The adjacent photo shows my idea of the 'perfect' towpath. A good boundary hedge providing plenty of cover for wildlife, shed loads of wild flowers in the hedge-bottom and a non-metalled surface, which is good for all towpath users as it helps to keep the speed of bikes to sensible levels. I've noticed too that the flora and fauna around here has managed to survive apparently without the help of CaRT. How inconsiderate of it?