No 'users' in Ombudsman Committee

Published: Wednesday, 29 April 2015

THE Canal & River Trust chief executive, Richard Parry, has admitted that the reconstituted Waterways Ombudsman Committee does not have 'user' members, writes Allan Richards.

The admission follows an article in narrowboatworld (Defra involved in Ombudsman scandal) suggesting that the Trust's refusal to name the three user members of the committee would lead to speculation that the Trust intended to exclude them.

No explanation

The British Waterways scheme, as adopted by CaRT has eight members. Two are appointed by CaRT, three by a 'user' organisation and three independents. Whilst the chief executive has admitted that the reconstituted committee no longer has its three 'users' he has failed to explain why!

Could it be because those representing users of the scheme would wish to know why there is no evidence of the current Ombudsman being properly appointed according to the rules of the scheme? Could it be because 'user' committee members would question why the Trust has been running a sham scheme for years?

[We are still away boating so are unable to received or attend to any emails.]

Not too late

Whilst, obviously, it is too late for 'user' members to play a part in the selection of the three independent committee members, it is certainly not too late for them to be appointed.

Anything less would be a continuance of the sham scheme and against the express wishes of CaRT's Trustees who have resolved that the British Waterways scheme should continue.