'Guidelines' perverted

Published: Monday, 16 February 2015

The meaning of the word 'guidelines' has been perverted. A guide (or guideline) is essentially guidance.

If you ask me to show you the way to somewhere I can guide you. That does not mean you have to follow my exact interpretation of what I say or suffer consequences.which I prescribe.

The law of the land, bye-laws, Rules & Regulations have to be followed and, where there is a conflict between two parties of the interpretation it is for a third party (Court of law, tribunal etc) to decide and, in certain situations, that decision is not only binding on both parties but may be cited in future cases.

CaRT has set itself up to be law maker, judge, jury and executioner. That cannot be right! It's a 'do as I tell you' attitude which could be said to be borderline autocracy.

Bill Ridgeway