Creative accountancy

Published: Friday, 06 February 2015

I SEEM seem to have misplaced my copy of Creative Accountancy for Dummies. Last time I saw it was when I left it behind on a bus in Milton Keynes, writes Mick Fitzgibbons.

But I was very pleased when I read about one of the most spectacular bits of creativity in accounting on narrowboatworld. Using the same principle, I have applied the same rules to the CaRT towpath chuggers.

Conundrum Solution

I'm calling it the CaRT Conundrum Solution.

In the UK (2013) there were 64,100,000 people. Each one of those people therefore must visit the canals 5.5 times a year, according to Cart figures. So if the CaRT towpath chuggers can get them all to sign up as friends, that's about £192,300,000 pounds a month or £2,307,600,000 a year.

The half a billion maintenance backlog will be covered in the first 4.6 days. The inland waterways problems would be all over. I blame the chuggers for the lack of friendly funding.