Hiding behind the rules

Published: Sunday, 13 April 2014

THANKS to Pamela Smith for her response to my ‘Their rules' piece. Having taken a deep breath and having stopped chuckling, I read with interest, but I see much hiding behind CaRT's ‘simple' rules, writes Ronnie Colman.


I will take issue with one aspect of the reply for now. Surely moving from one parish/hamlet/village to another (and remember this usually is a few hundred yards) and back again every 14 days or so does not constitute a fair interpretation of the rules that were written in good faith? You cannot make this up!


Knowing the area exceptionally well I know the simple rules are being twisted so many boaters can stay very local, thus not causing any inconvenience to their busy lives.

Any amount of clever wordy posturing on a website will not get away from what is blatantly obvious to the overwhelming majority who apply these simple rules in good faith.

Goldfish moving

If you do not have a home mooring on the Kennet & Avon Canal (or anywhere else) can you really expect anyone to accept that shuffling back and forth on a little stretch of canal is in keeping with these basic rules?

In all honesty I think my goldfish moves further than many boats on the K&A.