Passing the buck

Published: Thursday, 05 December 2013

Having received the latest CaRT Boaters update via email, I was surprised to read that if you need an urgent response from us, for events such as those below, over the festive period please call 0800 47 999 47, writes Peter Ponting.

The events

'A dangerously damaged lock, bridge or tunnel
A boat trapped in a dangerous situation e.g. on a weir or in a lock
Serious flooding or a breech which risks lives or property
Serious pollution

Remember that if lives or property are at risk, call 999 immediately. Once you have received a response from the emergency services then please also tell us as soon as possible on this number'.

It's own problem

As owners of the canal system, and a registered Charity, surely it should know that three out of four of the situations they describe are its own problem. Calling 999 will only delay time as they will tell you to contact CaRT as it is its responsibility.

Once again CaRT is misinforming the public