Leader now blaming his lieutenants

Published: Friday, 09 March 2012

NOW I have heard it all—and as usual, from Allan Richards' reliable ear-to-the-ground source, writes Ian Smith.

So we have our leader now blaming his lieutenants for the low morale among employees of British Waterways. It seems it is their fault for not defending the obscene examples of gross wastage and the awarding of bonuses to Robin Evans and his cronies, while people have lost their jobs and had their wages frozen.

Last refuge

It is the last refuge of a poor CEO to blame his senior managers. But it is about what we have come to expect from a man who is supposed to be taking us into a brave new world of charitable trust status, a shoo-in with little reference to the boaters who are the raison d'etre for the waterways system which provides his employment.

No, Mr Evans, the only thing wrong with your senior managers is that they are not prepared to defend the indefensible. If your employees' morale is low, then that of the boaters is, I can assure you, even lower. It would be difficult to find a boater who has any faith in the future of CART in your hands.

As someone famously might once have said: 'Go, Mr Evans. In the name of God, go...'