Residentials encouraged

Published: Thursday, 13 August 2015

I THINK poor Nial is in for a shock, [Too many residentials]. This situation isn't going to go away, writes Martin Brooks.

There is a housing crisis, and it's in the news. CaRT is a political animal, and will encourage whatever the political classes tell it to encourage. That at the moment is green issues, hence the cycling.

Be encouraged

If residential boats can make just one politician's life one tiny bit easier, believe me they will be encouraged.

Leisure boating is, I'm afraid, at the bottom of everybody's list, along with leisure everything else!

Leisure boating is in terminal decline anyway, and CaRT need to fill the coffers, so don't expect any sympathy from that source!


Sorry Nial, but as Bob said:, 'The times they are a changin'. Threatening to report people is going to achieve nothing except making you very unpopular. I am sure the council know exactly who is where, but choose to act (or not) as the political classes see fit.