Definition of 'waterway'

Published: Friday, 17 April 2015

IN ITS proposed changes to legislation Canal & River Trust refer (endlessly) to ‘waterway'. writes Jimmy Lockwood.

However I don't see a definition of the waterway. ‘Any waterway' is stated which is clearly wrong as CaRT are not responsible for all waterways!

Implies jurisdiction

Clearly it applies to canals and rivers under CaRT jurisdiction but does the term include private marinas linked to such waterways? If so, what rights have CaRT over such a property and, conversely, for what is it responsible? Also under what regulation can it claim such a right? Is it within the terms of the marina's connection to a CaRT waterway?

If private marinas are in fact just that, then surely any craft in the marina and which does not leave the marina does not have to comply with CaRT conditions.