More wildlife spending

Published: Friday, 23 January 2015

THE latest wildlife spend for Canal & River Trust is transforming World War II pillboxes into wildlife havens.

An old abandoned pillbox on the banks of the Bridgwater & Taunton Canal is being turned into such a wildlife haven, by constructing various habitats inside the building.

Habitat for bats

This particular pillbox at Creech St Michael was converted into a lock keeper's cottage after the war, but has been derelict for some years, but is now being converted into an habitat for bats by creating crevices where it is hoped bats will nest and breed.

CaRT Heritage Advisor, David Viner, remarks:

"The pillbox is an interesting example of the defensive structures built in 1940 at the most critical part of the war, and adds to the rich history around the canal.

"While there are quite a number remaining, it's tricky to find new uses for them, because they are fairly small and not very adaptable. Converting this one into a bat hideaway is a perfect use for it, as it both protects the building and local wildlife."

It is expected that the transformation will be completed by Spring.