Three days to get off the Leeds & Liverpool

Published: Thursday, 04 June 2020

THE notice that Canal & River Trust is giving a 'window' for boaters to move on/off the Leeds & Liverpool Canal shows there is no intention of an early re-opening.

It is allowing just three days for boaters to move their boats with passage through locks being available on Friday 12th, Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th June only with a list of the various lock opening times on its website, Keith Gudgin reports.

Double check

Boaters are asked to 'double check' these opening times as they could vary depending on water conservation and staffing restrictions.  It includes the whole of the waterway from Wigan Flight to Bingley Five Rise.

Whilst continuous cruisers will have a chance of getting off the waterway, those stuck well into the canal will have problems and especially those boaters who are not allowed to stay overnight on their boats.