Raising funds to continue Montgomery restoration

Published: Thursday, 15 June 2017

THOUGH the grant of £2.5 millions from the Heritage Lottery Fund enabled the further restoration of the Montgomery Canal, the Restore The Montgomery Canal! appeal is raising funds for the volunteers to carry on after that.

Though it is only a short time since the formal launch of the Restore the Montgomery Canal! appeal in April, generous support of our anonymous donor, and of other supporters, and with the aid of the Tony Harrison legacy grant from the Inland Waterways Association, the appeal has nearly reached £120,000.

Replacing Schoolhouse Bridge

This will go towards towards the removal of the railway embankment—due to take place in July—and replacing Schoolhouse Bridge.

Plans are being drawn for the bridge with Shropshire Council being helpful towards the scheme. If enough money can be raised it is expected the bridge could be replaced in a couple of years.

Make it happen

Chairman Michael Limbrey, points out that this would be a fantastic step forward, and could be the best news for the restoration in twenty years. No-one will do this for us, but you—we can make it happen.