A breath of fresh air from the IWA

Published: Monday, 12 March 2018

I was most pleased to read that the IWA had complained about the new licensing proposals of CART, writes Helen Cripps.

I had just about given up on the way the IWA was acting with CaRT, seemingly agreeing with all it did so it was a breath of fresh air that it complained about CaRT doing nothing about sorting out what is the big problem of continuous moorers.

'Cocking a snoot'

There are too many who are openly 'cocking a snoot' at CaRT by staying for months on end on continuous cruiser licences with CaRT now telling it is to do nothing about them.  If they want an example what about the pair of boats who were moored opposite the 48 hours notice on Sawley Cut and on a water point for most of the summer last year. And I understand they are back, this time above the flood lock opposite the no mooring sign, set no doubt for the summer, perhaps getting ready to move back to 'their' water point again.

It was very remiss indeed for CaRT not to set a very much needed definite time and distance for such people who hog the moorings, instead of once again ignoring the problem, which seems to be the way nowadays.